Special Forces Corporate Training
“Honestly, Series-18 was one of the most memorable weekends of my life. I went in unsure of what it was going to be and came out with an arsenal of knowledge, insight, and experience. Nothing has made me want to reenlist more than hanging out with a bunch of special forces guys on a compound in New Hampshire. The intensity of the training that pushed us to our mental and physical limits, and the camaraderie we built in the evenings left me feeling more prepared to tackle personal challenges and also use individual strengths in a team setting. And the food was incredible!”
"Series 18 provided me with an opportunity to push myself and put trust in others to overcome some of my fears. Belaying down a cliff face forced me to put trust in my teammates as well as in myself. The different activities always provided me with experiences I had not previously been exposed to. Who would have thought shooting a machine gun or learning to get out of handcuffs could teach me how to be patient, stay calm and make sure to listen with a purpose. The Improv training is a skill I use daily in my work. Learning to listen with intention and not shut down others' ideas is a great skill at every level.”
"Series 18 was an exciting and unique experience from the very moment it began. Perhaps it was the thrill of the unknown mixed with the challenge of learning and doing new things in an unfamiliar environment. Maybe it was the hilarious and intriguing special operators that ran the show. Months later, it still feels like a special weekend that was unlike anything else I'd ever done. And I was IN the military!"
"When I first considered jumping into this training, I half expected we would be overseen by some macho bros who had a chip on their shoulder. What I experienced was, to the contrary, life changing. The Special Forces guys we trained with were accommodating, informative, and most of all very capable. The skills these men possess impressed me beyond all expectation. I found myself firing machine guns in a safe environment; repelling down a small cliff; learning battlefield first aid; and gaining knowhow on breaking out of restraints. However, the most exhilarating part of the experience was sitting down and getting to know these American Heroes. The men have been through more than I can imagine, and they share their experience both then and now (after battle) with sincerity and grace. They appeared to enjoy sharing all of this with us. There was also a really fun and exciting improvisation portion of the training, which I was looking forward too. We improvised with the military guys and other guests. The trainers really made us feel comfortable. I didn't know what to expect on my way up to this training, but I can't stop telling everyone what a valuable experience it was."